When in-game, using the scroll-wheel on your mouse can cycle between your tactical knife, your sidearm, and your primary weapon. ... VALORANT Pro Settings and Gear List. No one should be turning this setting off unless they’re truly up for an unnecessary challenge. But if you’re looking for quick flicks and montage-worthy snipes, try bumping it up slightly. Outer Line Opacity: 1 Best Keyboard For VALORANT. The minimap is highly customizable in Valorant as it is a feature that always remains on screen. These are momentary white lines that follow your shots to their target. Best Settings in Valorant. Starting off with Enemy Highlight Color (found under the General > Accessibility section of settings), many players change the default … We recommend keeping this off to save from over-scrolling in the midst of a round and accidentally bringing a knife to a gunfight. Thankfully, there’s always an option to turn these off in the voice-over tab. However, there are more benefits in turning this setting off, as to keep a full overview of the map at all times. For consistency, you can leave this the exact same as your regular sensitivity. Though it does come at a slight cost in terms of performance. The first Sensitivity slider focuses on the speed of your general aim. For comparison, try our Pro Settings and Gear Lists for CS:GO, Fortnite and Overwatch. Before I go into my recommendations, I want to show how professional players have chosen to adjust their crosshair settings. Having a crosshair setting you're comfortable with is a key to becoming a sharpshooter in VALORANT. The minimap should be sizeable so that you can easily gather new information with a quick look. , Do we know his monitor settings? It's also pretty fun since you can make some pretty interesting crosshairs. Otherwise, the majority of these options should be left off. In a similar vein, Agents often converse at the beginning of the game, at the half, and between rounds. This may not sound like a huge deal, but it plays a vital role in-game. You’ll then have to scroll back up to get to get to your blade. Essentially, this option plays a role in how detailed the game will be from a distance. What are Brax General settings on valorant? Best Monitor for Valorant. Here’s where things get a little more interesting. The only instance where VSync should be on, is if you’re noticing extreme screen tearing. Get the absolute most out of your PC and perform to the best of your abilities with this settings rundown. However, there are a few optional tweaks that could come in handy. https://clips.twitch.tv/RockyArborealCarabeefEleGiggle, Anyone know/can ask Brax for all his BenQ monitor settings please? The tips in the guide are easy to follow, and can solve the issue right away. Valorant will start you with 5 Agents: Brimstone, Jett, Phoenix, Sova, and Sage.There are two duelist to chose from (Jett and … Remaining centered on the minimap can help ensure that your eyes are always immediately jumping to your location. Every decision in-game is vital. Brax VALORANT Settings – VAXEE ZYGEN NP-01 Simply to hard-focus on gameplay-audio alone. Accidentally scrolling through to the wrong weapon could leave you in a spot of bother. But if you’re confident in your recoil control, and have a good sense of where bullets will end up, this setting can be switched off to save some visual clutter. He can also be found streaming on Twitch.tv regularly. Valorant allows you to change the default movement mode. If you’re constantly switching to another monitor, limiting FPS in the Background is a great idea. Leaving mature content on will keep everything in-game the way it was built to be experienced. source : his stream, brax using gpro X keyboard You can either walk or run. , BenQ sent brax the XL2546S, it’s on his twitter too, brax’s benq settings https://clips.twitch.tv/AffluentLaconicKaleStoneLightning, Thank you for sharing Brax’s monitor settings. Whereas, running will alert everyone nearby. To start with, you can choose between having the map sit in a fixed position, or having it rotate to the direction of your Agent. Your FPS in-game should be capped out when possible, though Valorant does give you the option of reducing performance in the main menu and in the background. Hop into the Practice Range and adjust this setting for yourself. , Brax’s new sens is .377 now. Leaving this on, along with the Anti-Aliasing settings, will help keep your game sense on-point. https://www.twitch.tv/brax/clip/BenevolentKathishCheetahDogFace, https://clips.twitch.tv/RockyArborealCarabeefEleGiggle, https://www.kovaak.com/mouse-acceleration/, https://www.twitch.tv/brax/clip/SavageFurtiveSkirretVoHiYo?filter=clips&range=7d&sort=time, https://clips.twitch.tv/AffluentLaconicKaleStoneLightning, https://clips.twitch.tv/DistinctTangibleIguanaHumbleLife, https://clips.twitch.tv/PlainTangibleEndiveTBTacoLeft, https://twitter.com/brax1wnl/status/1313473340137328641?s=21, Read Our Privacy Policy & Affiliate Disclosure. After dozens of hours in Valorant, the in-game music could start to get on your nerves. The only setting under this category should be kept on by default. While there’s rarely any distracting audio during the gunplay, you could still opt to turn this slider all the way down. He is using the Corsair MM350 CS Mousepad. If you find yourself using the Operator a great deal, for instance, pay extra close attention to the scoped setting. You’ll want to try and run with MSAA 4x if your rig will allow it, as this will get the most out of the experience and keep the moment to moment gameplay smooth. Best Headset for VALORANT. Some pro players opt for the rotating option, while other pros stick to the fixed setting. Explicit language can indeed be filtered out and we recommend switching this on if you’re brand new to the game and just learning the ropes.

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