Lani:​ No. George:​ Tied up. Two blocks east one block north of the bank. CHRIS HARVEN, WHO HAD PROBLEMS WITH INFIDELITY IN HIS MARRIAGE ACCORDING TO HIS EX-WIFE, HAD BEEN SEEING MULTIPLE WOMEN IN THE LEADUP TO THE ROBBERY, INCLUDING OLIVIA. Mary: ​A couple of deputies came up to my house that I knew and stuff. I can see that it's crossing lanes coming into my lane of traffic. Norco 80 is written and produced by me, Antonia Cereijido and by Sophia Paliza Carre. RUSS AND CHRIS HARVEN WOULD HAVE PRIVATE ATTORNEYS AT TRIAL. AND MANY OFFICERS STILL WANTED EVERYONE IN THE DEPT - NOT JUST SERGEANTS TO HAVE ASSAULT RIFLES. So they came out. Cois: H​ e advocated that law enforcement is everybody's business. WINCHELL’S IS A POPULAR DONUT CHAIN IN CALIFORNIA. I just figured if we could stop the helicopter, get him away from us, we could get away. I'll just never. You - you're aware I'm tape recording the conversation right? GEORGE SMITH WOULD LATER TELL THE DETECTIVE, ANDREW HAD SUCCESSFULLY SHOT THREE OF THEM. I really did. Hanne:​ Well at first it started out just, you know, hit the wall and made a big hole in the wall. it's just at that point, it's just force overcoming force. Then they smashed into the car in front of me and blasted their way out of the intersection. And my profession is I'm a grandma. I'm thinking about defending myself and killing them. e also know that during the early moments of large contentious politics – riots, protests and the like – particularly in the 1960s, we saw police interacting with National Guard in order to quell civil unrest. you know, there’s just no relief. George, I’m Dvorak from Sheriff’s homicide. I mean they all were witnesses. THE CASE WAS FREQUENTLY IN THE NEWS AND HER FAMILY DID NOT SHARE, My family - they would get mad at me and, you know, I would try to explain and they just didn't want to hear it. STRAY BULLETS WERE KNOWN TO HIT CARS, HOMES OR EVEN TENTS SET UP BY UNASSUMING CAMPERS. They didn't tell him to stop. He just said they're going. 'm a hostage. Graveyard's waiting to go to work. That's not me. Andrew: ​We need to have better firepower than the bad guys. think, pretty obvious at that point that they thought I did I'm over here. THE ROBBERS HAD​ ​MANAGED TO TAKE ABOUT TWENTY THOUSAND DOLLARS FROM THE BANK -- AND THEY’D LEFT IT - SPREAD OUT ALL OVER THE BACK OF THE VAN. Mike: P​ retty crazy situation, I didn’t have a whole lot of time to think about much. AS NIGHT DESCENDED UPON THE MOUNTAIN - FAR UP AND AWAY FROM CITY LIGHTS - THE OFFICERS ON SCENE DECIDED WAIT TILL THE SUN CAME UP TO BEGIN THE MANHUNT. So he's bouncing the baby on his knee, you know. And that guy starts spouting off, calling me names, calling me a wetback dumb Mexican. LIKE FOR DJ McCARTY - THE OFFICER WHO SAW JIM EVANS DIE, Asc: ​Where was your head? Currently overseeing Futuro Studios, Marlon Bishop is a Peabody Award-winning radio producer and editor with a focus on Latin America, immigration, identity and society, music and the arts. ASC​:​ I'm curious if this is true and why you said it, that you told the SWAT team to not try to capture the robbers, to just fucking shoot them. Someone for your family is going to get subpoenaed. I think he would have hit me. CHRIS:​ Might say it started...when my friend George split up with his wife. George:​ In the - in his um cabinet. Rolf: ​There was no freeway that ran through Norco. I go what? Well, we're we're standing by cars and in Riverside we had an alert tone that the dispatchers push a button and it would send out a tone to all the cars. ANDREW ENDED UP IN THE RIVERSIDE SHERIFF’S OFFICE. But I was certain that I was not going to survive. So I turned around and I dropped him. Because he did it, just one, two, three, reloaded his gun. GETTING NEW RADIOS WAS NOT CONTROVERSIAL BUT GETTING BIGGER GUNS? IT’S HARD TO TELL WHETHER HIS STEPFATHER TOOK THIS SERIOUSLY. :Yes. HIS FATHER WAS WHITE AND HIS MOTHER WAS JAPANESE-AMERICAN, AND THEY WERE LOOKING FOR A PLACE WHERE THEY MIGHT FIT IN BETTER. GARY DECIDES TO LOCK UP THE VAN, JUST IN CASE. Yeah. I don't really recall. JEANNE WAS PLACED ON LEAVE FROM THE PUBLIC DEFENDER’S OFFICE. Detective:​ Uh huh. I could hear like nylon bags and so on. AFTER SOME TIME - DJ WAS EVENTUALLY SENT TO SEE A THERAPIST, AND HE. Rosie: ​And then when as soon as I went through that threshold up from the door that goes into the living room, George was standing on the side. The bank robbers make it out of the Security Pacific Bank, cash in hand––but they’re immediately met by the police and a firefight begins. But I've always been, I'm five foot four, small guy. AND HE HAD BEEN SPRAYED WITH BROKEN GLASS BUT SOMEHOW ROLF DIDN’T HAVE ANY MAJOR DAMAGE. When we were young, he told me that he had to do something. I had great parents. And I know there's no one else between me and them at the time. Did you know about them starting to buy and store guns or bombs? So we're back there he goes, hey what's going on with you? And we came off the ride and my husband was under the influence, OK, and came up there and started knocking me around because I didn't come right home. I didn't know anything about the law or criminals or anything like that until I started working for the public defender's office. MUSIC IN THIS SERIES, WE LOOK AT WHAT HAPPENED THAT DAY IN MAY OF 1980, AND WHAT WOULD HAPPEN AFTER ALL THE GUNSMOKE CLEARED AWAY. And I said, You still got your car. I was pissed, can I say that you know? I think it was six hundred dollars every two weeks. But they wanted to see us fight. By the time we were getting 6 months into the jury, months into the trial, I was really concerned about something strange happening. The point guy at the front of the van pointed at me. Well, it was about a girl that was in New York and she had a boy boyfriend named Donald. Andrew: ​I felt that the brotherhood of police work is there. Just a wild firefight. This is the pattern, right? ONE OF THE OFFICERS ON THE SCENE THOUGHT THE ROBBERY MIGHT BE RELATED TO THE LEFTIST MILITANT GROUP THAT HAD KIDNAPPED HEIRESS PATTY HEARST. We're in Lytle Creek and - and uh what we're tryin' to do is hit the engines on the police vehicles to stop 'em. I just figured if we could stop the helicopter, get him away from us, we could get away. And I thought I’m really driving around in a cop car and I’m a cop! Detective: I mean, you guys went in there like a bunch of professionals from what I understand. HE SAID THE RUSSIANS WERE GOING TO ATTACK THE “WHORE OF BABYLON,” THE WHORE OF BABYLON REPRESENTS FOR SOME CHRISTIANS THE EMBODIMENT OF MORAL DECAY, AND, HER DOWNFALL IS A SIGN OF THE APOCALYPSE. AND THAT’S WHEN HE REALIZED THEY WERE HEADED INTO THE SAN GABRIEL MOUNTAINS. IN 1972 - THE CALIFORNIA SUPREME COURT HAD RULED THAT THE DEATH PENALTY WAS UNCONSITUTIONAL. IN THEM THEY WOULD FIND MAPS, A COMPASS, WATER PURIFICATION TABLETS, MESS KITS, GAS MASKS, EMERGENCY BLANKETS, EXTRA CLOTHING, A KNIFE, TWO MACHETES, AND EVEN A SAMURAI SWORD. Yes. It just happens once in a while. George lost his wife, his job, his family, he didn’t care too much, and he was without money so...he proposed a job. AND DJ MCCARTY - WITH THE AR BETWEEN HIS KNEES - WAS BEHIND HIM. Detective: What were their names? BUT DJ HAD NEVER SEEN ANYTHING LIKE HE SAW IN LYTLE CREEK, AS HE DROVE ON, DJ:​ I mean we're passing cars that were shot up. THAT WOULD START A FIGHT. think that our sheriff might have been a little bit color blind because it was just a little bit bright for me. TO CONCLUDE THIS QUESTION OF WHO KILLED JIM EVANS, THE JUDGE DID SOMETHING UNUSUAL. AND IN COURT - DJ WOULD BE QUESTIONED ABOUT THE CHAOS OF THAT DAY, AND HIS ABILITY TO HANDLE THE ASSAULT RIFLE HE WIELDED IN THE FINAL STAND-OFF. A lot of police departments, sheriff's departments you had to be like 5'10. YELLING FREEZE AND SEEING MANNY LIFT UP ONTO ALL FOURS, WITH A GUN IN HIS HAND. And we were relieved. LAist Studios exists to tell LA stories to the world. You know, when he turned his head around, he caught it right in the eye and it killed him instantly. What was his last name? It was packed, packed to the gills. Detective:​ Who shot up our helicopter? [Music] ANDREW OFFICIALLY BECAME A POLICE OFFICER IN 1974. HE WAS VERY YOUNG AND STRUGGLED WITH ARTHRITIS AND RUSSELL HARVEN - KNOWN AS RUSS - WOULD BECOME THE LOOKOUT. Make sure you always take my son to Texas. It's going to happen because of the Antichrist. Not wounding. IF YOU WANT TO HEAR MORE ABOUT NORCO 80, PLEASE FOLLOW OR SUBSCRIBE TO THE PODCAST ON APPLE PODCASTS, SPOTIFY, NPR1, THE IHEART APP OR WHEREVER YOU GET YOUR PODCASTS. HIS DARK HAIR WAVY, THE PINS ON HIS UNIFORM SHINY. You know, I was there every day. AS HE CAME TO THE CONCLUSION THAT HE WAS GOING TO DIE, ANDREW’S MIND WENT TO SOMETHING MUNDANE. EQUIPMENT ORIGINALLY VALUED AT OVER 7 BILLION DOLLARS. “DON’T THROW PENCILS.”. Etiwanda and limonite still firing, Radio Traffic: ​Mad Dog: Deputy Down Etiwanda and 63rd. We don't have rifles. The “Norco 3” face the death penalty in one of the highest profile trials in Riverside County history. He came up. Yeah, they they did have something to say in terms of what gun fired the fatal shot for Jim Evans. ‘77 I started getting serious about doing it because I figured, you know, sooner or later I'm going to end up on one side of the bars. MUSIC OUT. I'm out. IT’S A STORY THAT BRINGS UP A LOT OF QUESTIONS — QUESTIONS THAT STILL FEEL PRESENT TODAY. THEY CALLED THEMSELVES “MIXED COMPANY.” THEY WOULD DO SMALL GIGS AT BARS OR FAIRS. But now we didn't ride rides. And I said, well, that was really nice of him. What do you think the outcome would have been? Cois:​ I​ think that our sheriff might have been a little bit color blind because it was just a little bit bright for me. Fairchild promo: T​ his is the armalite ar-10: the modern combat weapon that combines the accuracy of a sniper with the power of a machine gun. That's in case you're pregnant. You know, so I have a little survivor's remorse, that. IT TURNED OUT TO BE GEORGE SITTING BEHIND A MANZANITA BUSH WAVING HIS HANDS AND SURRENDERING. I pull around to park. Debbie: ​they're practically jumping up and down hearing all those guilties. You know, Norco's interesting because one lesson could have been, oh, we got to really arm up. One was killed up in the mountain. We are always finding things in the bible that reaffirm our faith and show us that it’s real, you know? AT THE RIVERSIDE COUNTY JAIL - THE NORCO 3 KNEW THAT THE CHANCES OF A NOT - GUILTY VERDICT WERE BLEAK. One would come in and he had his uniform on he'd be wearing his ribbons and he just looked like a million dollars and so neat and clean and impressive in his uniform. I sat down and shut up. There was a popular song by Larry Norman called I Wish We'd All Been Ready. That's what they taught us in training. But I really wasn't looking for a boyfriend, but he was pretty persistent. His hair was rather a light kind of sandy brown. IT HAD NOTHING TO DO WITH WHAT HAPPENED DURING THE BANK ROBBERY. And then I went down there and he got up and I proceeded to kick his ass all over that patio. Radio series she has worked on have been recognized by a duPont-Columbia Award, and a 1st place AP award for “Best News Series.” She has worked as an editor for NPR’s.

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