A 2016 study by researchers in the Netherlands estimated that the cost of harvesting and transporting seaweed from offshore farms in the North Sea, which requires specialized equipment and is labor intensive, at $1,380/hectare. However, it is … And harnessing the full health and environmental benefits of seaweed for increased economic opportunity demands further market development, increased processing capacity, efficient supply chains, and leaders willing to invest in a sustainable future. The demand within the global seaweed market is set to touch the apex in the years to follow. By. We will provide you with a sponsorship and marketing package so that in addition to reducing your ecological footprint you can proudly communicate your impact to your employees and suppliers. It’s clear more and more countries are willing to invest in the aquaculture/ seaweed industry. A Minderoo spokesman declined to comment on whether it would invest in seaweed production as a way to reduce methane emissions in cattle. 2. share. There are also personnel and transport costs associated with building, maintaining, harvesting and transporting the seaweed. Marnixstraat 405-11017 PJ, Amsterdaminfo@theseaweedfarmers.com. The global seaweed market is projected to reach $9,075.65 million by 2024, with a CAGR of 12.0% from 2018 to 2024. It is also the subject of a number of large re Twitter. Macro-algae attracts greater investment for sugar-based Advanced Biofuels, Drop-In Fuels and Chemicals by Will Thurmond, Market Trends Columnist, Biofuels Digest An emerging rise in investment in from petrochemical majors and governments in Asia, Europe and the Americas aims at extracting sugars from seaweed for ethanol, advanced biofuels, drop-in fuels, biochemicals and … Typical animal feed and biofuel crops – corn, soybeans, and alfalfa – are short lived and seasonal, despite taking months to grow, and resource intensive. reduce methane emissions from livestock (i.e. Our goal is to share our story to increase awareness of the value of seaweed and put seaweed on the map. Once the farms are in the water they can be reused year on year. From mother nature you get a big thank you but from us you will also get the chance to reduce your own carbon footprint and/or that of your company. David Chang, a well-known New York chef and founder of the Momofuku Restaurant Group, recently teamed up with Sweetgreen to create a sweat potato and seaweed bowl to help familiarize western societies with seaweed as a food. Sea6 Energy is a biofuel company based in Bangalore, India that focuses on the "macroalgal" fuel source of seaweed. Hello, I have been looking for investment opportunities in seaweed farming as I believe it is a fast growing cash crop. The current price for wet seaweed (Kelp) is £4 per kilogram, a 100m line will give you around 1500 Kg of wet seaweed, some lines may be less some maybe more. Advertisement. We want to cover our costs and ultimately give up our day jobs so we can 100% focus on growing and putting seaweed on the map! We have partnered with Seagreens UK to bring you a range of superior food seaweed including capsules, granules and powders. After the first 8 weeks you will have sufficient seaweed to … Valued by Grand View Research at approximately $8.8 billion, eighty-five percent of seaweed harvested is produced for human consumption, while remaining fifteen percent is used as an ingredient in wellness products, fertilizers, and animal feeds. Production costs must be reduced if seaweed is to become an economically feasible industry in Europe and North America. _____ Are you interested in setting up a new company in the Greater Bergen region? Newer Post Is seaweed the new superfood? If Lerøy’s latest initiative is successful, it might also allow us to create more sustainable packaging in future. WORK SCHEDULE. Taylor Witkin is the Bluetech Desk Manager at the Cambridge Innovation Center and works with SeaAhead to manage and grow the Bluetech Innovation Hub in Boston. Seaweed has been used for food and medicine throughout the world for centuries, especially in Asia, with China and Indonesia leading the way in production. The commercial market is projected to expand rapidly in the coming years due to increased market penetration in new regions, population growth in high consumption regions, and novel end-product innovations. Now if a small startup shows great promise with working mass desalination tech, I would definitely consider a speculative buy. The 2021 investment is currently the same for both options £35k. cow burps). As the seaweed industry undergoes a rapid global expansion, new challenges and risks must be addressed. Sunday, February 7, … It has also found its way to the agriculture sector. Plus marketing and general business costs. ExxonMobil has partnered with Synthetic Genomics to develop advanced biofuels from algae that is high in oil content and grows quickly[AP2] . The Seaweed Farmers is a foundation. Email. Finally, the benefits of seaweed – to economies, climate change mitigation efforts, and food security – require strong advocacy. 'Seas impact fund' launched to invest in seaweed. Seagreens® seaweed is the product of experienced selection, sustainable harvesting, world-leading processing, and award-winning nutrition research. Older Post Of Carrageenan and Health. Related tags: Seaweed, Algae, Sustainability, Investment, Production, Plant-based foods, Ingredient French biomarine group Algaia is expanding its production and innovation capacity with investments targeting the growing demand for marine ingredients and seaweed extracts. She holds a bachelor’s degree focused in Political Science and Government from Wheaton College. Outside of Asia, the seaweed sector is still in a nascent growth phase. Agriculture and seaweed aquaculture also cross paths in the biofuel market, which is expected to reach $10.73 billion by 2025, as interest in cleaner energy sources drives growth. In contrast, seaweeds can be cultivated year-round, grow twenty to thirty times faster than traditional crops, and do not require active inputs like water and fertilizer. The industry must also consider environmental risks, including disease transmission, marine habitat changes, and biodiversity loss induced by invasive species, all of which may be exacerbated by a changing climate. From Furikake – a Japanese rice seasoning with dried seaweed flakes – to fresh seaweed salad, “sea vegetables” are gaining traction in food systems around the world. Nori, wakame, irish moss, hijiki, dulse and kombu, are often used in soups, salads, kombucha, and sushi. The investment… This includes providing leadership and coordination of the monitoring, evaluating and reporting on RD&E activities, facilitating dissemination, extension and commercialisation. Report Save. With an unstable oil market and the state commitments to finding renewable energy sources, oil companies and venture capitalists have recently made solving the issue of seaweed conversion a priority. In fact from one mature line of seaweed, you can obtain enough planting material for four new lines. 100% of the investment will go to the materials that make the farm: ropes, barrels, anchors and also for the seaweed spores. More private and public investment can facilitate market mapping, drive policy, and promote scalability. We offer businesses or individual investors a unique opportunity to sponsor a farm. We want to encourage businesses and local citizens to get involved, join us on our journey to make a difference and make our planet a better place for future generations. We are The Seaweed Farmers and mad about seaweed and the future of our planet. And because seaweed does not need arable land, it can help reduce deforestation and greenhouse gas emissions from land-based agricultural practices while also absorbing nutrients from fertilizer runoff. Mainly grown in Asia, it is gradually attracting interest in the West as a niche consumable product. Underdeveloped and fragmented outside of Asia, the sector needs more consumer interest to increase its market value. As global meat and seafood consumption increases, and awareness of health and sustainability issues rises the feed additives market is projected to reach $44.5 billion by 2024. Each of these innovations is a positive step in the fight against climate change. But seaweed’s impact on food systems is not limited to direct human consumption. In many regions, lack of aligned regulations or standards for the safety and sustainability of seaweed production is a key barrier to growth. Progress is dependent on investment but Professor Doroudi said there were many companies, like GGOG, interested in starting an Australian seaweed aquaculture industry. Tagged: Russia, seaweed, aquaculture. FRDC’s role is to plan and invest in fisheries research, development and extension (RD&E) activities in Australia. Researchers, entrepreneurs and corporations are creating new pathways for sustainable seaweed biofuel development, which could be key in the growth of the seaweed sector. "We will increase the cultivation budget to up to Rp330 billion next year specifically for seaweed," Maritime and Fisheries Minister Susi Pudjiastuti said in a press conference in Jakarta, Friday, October 10. 100% of the investment will go to the materials that make the farm: ropes, barrels, anchors and also for the seaweed spores. However, with rising demand across the globe, Europe and North America are increasing their production while looking for new markets and innovations. Seaweed expert Dr. Ole Mauritsen reckons early humanity’s foraging for seaweed was even as crucial in the evolution of our cerebral cortex as fishing: “The micronutrients in seaweed: These are the things the brain feeds on,” he says by phone, noting how some seaweed has a healthy mix of Omega-3 and 6 fatty acids, as well as significant levels of potassium, magnesium, and iodine. The global market offers size, share, trends, growth, industry analysis and forecast. TEMPO.CO, Jakarta-The Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries invites entrepreneurs to invest in developing seaweed as one of Indonesia's marine commodities. India is poised to create up to 1 million new, sustainable jobs in its effort to become a leading global producer of seaweed. Concurrently, agriculture and aquaculture industries have identified seaweed as an alternative, sustainable feed source for livestock and farm-raised fish. Though many chefs and home cooks in the West are still learning how to use seaweed, it has been proven to be an incredibly versatile ingredient. To protect tourist economy, resorts invest in seaweed-control business. The company's primary focus is to derive ethanol fuel from seaweed (particularly red seaweed) that can replace non-renewable energy... http://www.sea6energy.com/ Win-win! the price for our CO2 compensation is including the price for our scale up! Growth, Profit and Returns. Thank you to Divya Kantamneni, Ilana Mayid, Patrick Sheehy and Utkarsha Bhardwaj, and Samantha Bernstein for their work and to Dr. Dan Vermeer, for organizing. Amazon founder Jeff Bezos is investing $100m (£76m) into technology that could help develop new markets for seaweed as an alternative to fossil fuels.. Through its newly formed subsidiary Orkla Ocean, Orkla is purchasing a stake in the raw materials producer Arctic Seaweed AS.. Seaweed are the rainforests of the oceans, tying up large volumes of CO2 and offering potential for overcoming climate-related challenges. ... the level or investment … WhatsApp. Irish moss is also used in the dairy and processed food industries for its gelling, thickening, and stabilizing properties. Industry Macro Drivers: Food, Agriculture, Energy, and Climate Change. The opportunity for Australian cultivated seaweed is to produce high-value product based on health benefits. The time is right to bring regulators, researchers and industry players together to get serious about mobilising investment needed to grow seaweed to a billion-dollar industry.” In an independent initiative in Western Australia, Ashley Sutton has been conducting trials at the Abrolhos Islands for the past year, selecting three of the initial seven species trialled for further development. Our goal is to scale up from one to 10 seaweed farms in the upcoming year. “Gather Great Ocean Group is a high-technology seaweed processing business headquartered in China, exporting to over 30 countries worldwide and servicing the printing, food and pharmaceutical industries. after our scale up we can offer a reduced price . By scaling-up its operations, the company will be able to pursue new market opportunities, increase its revenues and create jobs. One particular area that has gained our interest is seaweed (also known as "Macroalgae") given its capability to sequester carbon, its plethora of other use level 2. Seaweed industry is segmented by product (red, brown, and green) and application. We promise you it will feel good. But the use of kelp is not just in the food business. 6 Seaweed Investment Trends Seaweed has gained favor with petrochem majors Statoil, Dupont, ENAP because it grows faster than terrestrial crops, has a high sugar content for conversion to ethanol and advanced biofuels, absorbs more airborne carbon Seaweed also connects agriculture to the sea as an alternative feed and fertilizer, buffers coasts against storms, and acts as a carbon sink by capturing carbon dioxide and literally sinking to the bottom of the ocean. The Seaweed Farmers stand for a fair price for CO2 compensation that is why we created our own calculator that will show your investment translated into the amount of C02 compensated. The potential of seaweed is huge. We harvest seaweed for use as an organic fertiliser and bioplastics showing the value of seaweed as part of a circular economy. Regional Development Minister Geoff Brock said the grant would help bring the Chinese-headquartered company's investment in the Limestone Coast to around $21 million. Seaweed has caught the eyes and palates of food entrepreneurs seeking to elevate new, sustainable products. Seaweed, a major crop with a long history throughout coastal Asia is now considered by many in the West to be the next ‘superfood.’ However, it’s potential to address some of the world’s most pressing challenges, from food insecurity to climate change and energy independence to coastal resilience extends well beyond the food sector. Already ubiquitous in many health and wellness products, like toothpaste and rejuvenating facemasks, the pharmaceutical industry believes that seaweed can lead to major advances in medicine. Once the farms are in the water they can be reused year on year. By growing seaweed we help filter and clean sea water, removing CO2 from the atmosphere and providing a wildlife haven for fishes and birdlife. and give something back to planet earth. You can find more articles about seaweed, written by MBA students at Duke University’s Fuqua School of Business here. Seaweed is also widely used as fertiliser, animal feed and animal nutrition products, and for ornamental plants in aquariums. Also help with finding buyers or selling through us and we can harvest the seaweed for you. The MacroFuels Project, funded by the EU, has developed a seaweed-based fuel that has been successfully tested in a car engine. About the Australian Seaweed Institute Other seaweed compounds can be used in dietary supplements, pharmaceuticals, food supplements and colourings. Significant technological barriers due to lack of funding and information also exist. The new equipment will enable SeaChange to extract high value chemicals from seaweed that are in growing demand in the food and beverage, cosmetic and pharmaceutical industries. A fund has been launched to invest in UK-based 'ocean plant production' such as seaweed, "which is set to become a multi-billion pound global industry" in coming decades, according to the fund manager. “Even though it is a fantastic raw material, product development is the greatest challenge. 4 years ago. Morgan Bell is a Graduate Student at The Fletcher School at Tufts University focusing on Global Maritime Affairs and International Environmental Resource Policy. ADVERTISEMENT. Our dream is to slow down the impact we are having on the planet, improved the quality of the water and provide a solution to offset CO2. /PRNewswire/ -- The global commercial seaweed market is expected to reach USD 22.13 billion by 2024, according to a new report by Grand View Research, Inc. Seaweed can be used in a range of products, including animal feed and human food additives. Energy companies are looking to seaweed as an alternative, sustainable fuel source. Facebook. Seagreens is the world's finest seaweed for human nutrition. There are also personnel and transport costs associated with building, maintaining, harvesting and transporting the seaweed. News for Ambitious People On Market. When it comes to seaweed as food, Christiansen believes that demand is of key importance. Seaweed farmer Bren Smith says all one needs to start in the business is $20,000, twenty acres and a boat, and that investment in a single seaweed farm … Seaweed is the second largest aquaculture industry in the world, yet it gets very little press attention. Norway's elongated coastline, combined with an investment in research into seaweed farming, will form a solid foundation for Norway's ability to succeed in developing seaweed … This nutritious seaweed is also a source of biofuel, and its high nitrogen content makes it a great source of organic fertilizer. As an investor, these farms offer the opportunity to invest in different sectors of the economy: seafood, agriculture (through fertilizers) and energy.

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